May the happiest days that all this Christmas Season
has to offer Live through our Hearts for Others.
In late December 2023 all the 9 little houses are experiencing their
first Winter Holiday.
Thank you for your prayers, your financial giving, and your volunteer
work building these homes. We could not have done it without you.
A special thanks from those inside.
HALLELUJAH! The tiny house project is complete with finished houses and the tenants are in. What a blessing to see this project completed!
A BIG THANKS to all who helped. We are so grateful to the volunteers who spent hundreds of hours buillding & landscaping, and to those who brought workers lunches, and to all who gave the finances needed. Also thanks to the businesses who gave goods and great discounts: Hansons Bldg Supplies, Sebos, Frontier, Eagle Bldg, Andrews Landscapers, Bayview Farm & Garden, Madsen Enterprises, X Sound Engineering, TMI survey, Pacific Windows and Doors, Deer Lagoon Tiling, Henry Tree Service, idesign, Roots Landscaping, and many more. Special thanks to the teens from the Boy Scouts #57, Oak Harbors Robotics Team, and those students who came from SWAG, Trinity, and Woodhaven H.S.
Thanks goes to our general contractor, BobDalton, who oversaw the project, and to the individual contractors who helped with each house: Richard Queen, Gary Guernsey, Greg Gillis, Dave Johnson, Adam Breedlove. It could not have been done without our site manager, Bon Thayer, who did our computer work, including permits & surveys, who was in charge of tools, equipment,and helping to build this project.
A special thanks to Cliff Slade, Mike Shenemen, Jim Lee, Steve Lusk, Clancy Dunnigan, & Dan Imbugergia ,who were regular volunteers week after week, and to Michael Schuerline for his consulting us.
Finally, A most hearty thanks to our God, who was our guide and director.
THINC Tiny House Project Update THINC has so much to be grateful for as the New Year starts. The Christmas lights came down and now soon to be replaced by lights from inside each house with new paint and a porch light. A great big thank you to all our wonderful volunteers and contributors for the hours and hours of hard work in bringing this group of homes to where we are today.
THINC Tiny House Project Update THINC has so much to be grateful for in 2022. Many volunteers have contributed their time, expertise and financial assistance to further our progress. We are excited that our first tiny house is now completed, though both water and electricity connections need to be trenched and hooked up. The infrastructure installation continues, although a few snags have held us up in terms of the water and electricity components of the project.
An Open House event was held on Sunday May 22nd for tours of the new house, to answer questions from the community and to enlist more volunteers and financial support. The event was very successful as we had 10 volunteers sign up to help with the next houses and received over $7,000 in donations, for both the infrastructure and the houses. Over one hundred community members attended.
Our goal is to build the next 3 houses beginning in late June or early July. The next 5 houses will be built before the weather changes in the fall of this year. All of the houses will be built either by a local church or a generous community donor or donor group. Once the houses are complete, landscaping will be installed as per the city of Langley approval parameters. The plan is to utilize native and semi-drought resistant plants with raised berms to provide privacy from the street, as well as a drainage system, which will include a rain garden.
In the fall, criteria for residency will be determined and prospective residents will be vetted and interviewed. Our goal is to provide low- income housing, although a source of income for each resident will be a requirement. Priority will be given to those families with schoolchildren, with a limit of 3-4 occupants per house, either 1 or 2 adults with 1 or 2 children.
We have already chosen a capable and competent site manager, who currently lives in the main house on the premises. Our great blessing is that all of the work completed so far, plus the taxes and insurance fees have been paid thanks to our many volunteers and supporters. To learn more about our community, or to contribute financially, please utilize our website to further provide answers to your questions and direct you how to make a donation. We continue to be thankful for all of our community support and are determined to fulfill a need in our South Whidbey Island community to provide affordable housing in the City of Langley. has much to be grateful for in 2020. Many volunteers have contributed their time, expertise, and finances. We continue to be thankful for Hanson’s Building Supply for their generous discount on all construction materials. The necessary renovations to the existing house are now complete with the installation of the garage ceiling (JBL Construction) and overhead lights (electrician, Dan Imburgia). The house is now occupied by a very appreciative single parent with three children.
The work toward our tiny house project continues in spite of continued delays caused by the pandemic and by demands from the EPA, the city of Langley, and Island County. We were required to: 1) have a lidar survey of the elevations of our property; 2) complete a survey to combine the two parcels on Camano Ave; 3) purchase and survey a 3rd lot with an entrance off Edgecliff Dr. ($80,000) to handle the required number of parking places. TMI generously gave us discounts on all of these. With the new entrance and parking, a new site plan was needed to replace the original by Ross Chapin. Architect and volunteer Mike Burroughs provided the new plan. Volunteers cleared 5 truckloads of trash and invasive plants from this newly acquired property.
A complete landscape plan was required to be drawn to scale, overlaid on the site plan and the lidar lines. Diane Iverson, a licensed landscaper, graciously provided a beautiful plan using native and semi-drought resistant plants on raised berms to provide privacy from the street. Feather and Fox printing spent hours combining these on one 3’x 5’ sheet at a reduced cost.
SEPA required a technical 11-page document on the project’s environmental impact. A drainage plan was also needed. Volunteer expert Bill Poss completed the SEPA form and the drainage plan using a rain garden to catch a storm surge. X-Sound Engineering has done the design work on the site plan. They will provide new design for raised post construction in place of a slab foundation for our houses. This change is needed to protect the roots of the fir trees which are close to the houses, as recommended in the maintenance plan by Henry Tree Service, who prepared and will remove the three dying White Poplar trees. We thank them for donating their expertise.
When the entire plan is complete and submitted for permitting, Langley will post a notice of our proposed project, followed by a neighborhood informative meeting. After permit approval, we will dig and lay conduits for the utility connections to the houses. Once connected to the sewer, we will decommission the old septic system. The rain garden will be dug out and the berms for planting installed.
Our goal is to be ready to build by summer of 2021. Our great blessing is that all this work, plus the taxes and insurance fees have been paid in full thanks to you and our many volunteers and supporters. To learn more or to make a donation, visit us at
Peace, Joy and Love be yours throughout 2021!
Coyla Shepard and the THiNC Board
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